On 2 Feb 2017, at 4:48pm, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Unfortunately no, there is no time stamp at the command lines, and I can't
> add that ability  (Maybe if I setup my own new account on our jump-point
> server, but then I've got another kettle to deal with).  The only reference
> to a time is based on the filename that Putty creates the file, and the
> last modified time stamp on the file at the file system level.  Then I have
> that as a range of days, which should be good enough to start pin pointing
> what I may need to find.

Under those circumstances, all you’re really doing by putting this data in a 
SQLite database is consolidating lots of separate files into one.  So import 
everything from those files, without checking for duplicates, using as your 
primary key the combination of logfile name and line number.  To avoid having 
to deal with errors from duplicates use


Once you’ve worked out how to get it into a SQLite database you can decide 
whether do searches using LIKE or FTS.  Or duplicate your database and 
experiment with both approaches to find your ideal balance of filesize and 
search speed.

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