On 7-10-2018 01:18, Warren Young wrote:
> On Oct 6, 2018, at 2:21 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> Excel ate the financial business world because companies use Excel to solve 
>> a simple problem, then add a feature, then add another feature, and keep 
>> going until they have some crawling creeping horror that needs to return to 
>> R'lyeh.  There is never any point in this process when a manager looks at 
>> what's being done with Excel and says "Okay we need to hire a programmer to 
>> turn this into a proper App.”.
> Up to a certain point, there’s nothing wrong with that process.

Yes, there is!
> One of the tasks smart management should be doing is keeping an eye on these 
> guerrilla software development projects and step in when it becomes clear 
> they’ve got a valuable business tool that needs to be rewritten on a stronger 
> foundation to allow its continued growth and increasing value to the business.
The 'software development department' should forbid 'software
developmentprojects' which iare not done by them.
> If your business is big enough to have an IT staff with at least one 
> professional programmer, turning Excel prototypes into professional business 
> tools is mainly a matter of scheduling.  (Again, a function of management.)
"turning Excel prototypes into..." is a NO-GO.  It simply means that IT
staff did not do its own work 'the correct way'!.
> The main need for a personal database is in organizations too small to have 
> full-time programming staff.  (That includes most home use as well.)
> Maybe that’s the biggest reason this sort of software is rare and expensive: 
> big business doesn’t need it, so it only gets funded by small businesses and 
> home users, who are notoriously tight when it comes to software licensing.
> Contrast the elements of a traditional office software suite, which are 
> needed clear through the Fortune uint8_t.
> _______________________________________________

At the office where i work we have an Excel sheet which takes >10
minutes to load, and i do not beleive its because of the absolute size
of the excel sheet....
This Excel sheet contains (or tries to contain) )functionality which
should have been implemented a long time ago in our ERP-application.

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