On Oct 9, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com> wrote:
> Isn't Gmane a web forum style interface to email lists?

Gmane also provides NNTP access.  I suspect the anti-forum types are using 
Usenet news readers to follow such lists.

Gmane is part of the problem that lead to the creation of the Fossil forum 
feature.  Viz., it enables spammers, by design:


The arguments about mailing lists vs forums have all been had.  The software’s 
been written and is now successfully being used, tested, and enhanced, both 
within the Fossil project and in third-party repositories.  (Two of my own 
public repos are now using Fossil forums, for example.)

I believe the only uncertainties left are how many more features and how much 
more battle testing drh will want before cutting this mailing list over.

It is possible that Fossil will grow an email submission feature before that 
happens, so that this list *appears* to remain in place, even after it’s moved 
to a Fossil forum on the back end.  If that happens, I expect such email will 
be moderated by default.  I’m not sure whether it will ever be safe to mark 
email submissions as not needing moderation, due to the ease of email From 
address forgery.
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