On 2018/12/17 11:53 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

This thread is getting out of hand. Firstly there is no such binary
representation ( in this universe ) for a trivial decimal number such as
one tenth ( 0.10 ) and really folks should refer to the text book
recently published ( 2nd Edition actually ) where all this is covered : //....

My good man, did the discussion really irritate you that much? I'm truly sorry to hear that, but I'd like to offer as consolation that it's probably enlightening to most others.

If we follow the proposed rationale above, we could replace this entire forum with a single web page sporting some links to the very great SQL, DB, and SQLite books out there, then nobody need discuss anything.

Of course, we know that believing any one book blindly also doesn't lead to complete knowledge, so perhaps discussion is not as evil (especially the kind containing varied views) and we should keep at it? I hope in that light you will join us in enjoying the rest of this thread, wherever it may lead.

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