Max Barry uttered:

My database is permanently locked, and I've spent two fruitless days
trying to unlock it.

You haven't said what sort of box this is. I guess a generic Unix. If Linux, you'll probably have fuser installed. Run fuser against the database file, and it'll tell you the PID of any process that has the file open. I'm not sure if other Unix have fuser installed by default.

If the file is owned by a trac processs, you can kill it using "fuser -k", assuming you have permission.

The problem:

$ sqlite trac.db
SQLite version 3.3.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .databases
Error: database is locked

I believe this was caused by something bad happening in Trac 0.9.6. More
than that I don't know.

What I've tried so far:

* Killing every process I own
* Getting the machine owner to restart Apache
* Using lsof to verify that no process I own is locking trac.db, or
using any SQL libs
* Moving/renaming the trac.db file

Because it's a shared box I don't have root access and can't reboot it.
What else can I try?

Thanks for any help,


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