Hi everyone,

This is my first time diving into SQLite and I am very excited about
this. Thanks to all the developers.

I just had several questions regarding SQLite. While at the download
page, it states that sqlite-amalgamation is the "preferred" way of
acquiring SQLite code. So I went ahead and downloaded the latest
version (3.5.7). I get 3 source files and I am stuck. I tried reading
the documentation but I guess I couldn't find any mention of how to
use this "amalgamated" source code. So I searched the mailing list and
realized that I was simply a gcc command away. I go ahead and compile
it using:

$ gcc sqlite3.c

and it works! But then now what? I guess I have to embed this onto my
source code in some way? So further searching leads to a post stating
that "shell.c" should be compiled along with sqlite3.c to obtain the
sqlite3 shell. But there was no instruction on how to do that. So I
experimented around and found out that the following works:

$ gcc -o sqlite3 sqlite3.c shell.c -lpthread -ldl

I am now able to execute the sqlite3 application and play around with
a database. Thus comes the questions,

 1. Is there any documentation that I may have missed that addresses
the above issue? If not, there probably should be a wiki page
regarding this. I could create a wiki page with my notes regarding

 2. Compiling above without the "-lpthread -ldl" results in errors. I
simply looked at a mailing list post and stumbled upon the above
commands. Is this the right way to do it?

 3. I am writing a program under python 2.5. And from various readings
it seems like sqlite3 is bundled with it?
  * If so, how is it used?
  * If not, how do I use the amalgamated version of sqlite with python 2.5?

Any comments or suggestions would be of great help.

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