On Aug 12, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Noah Hart wrote:

> I understand that memory, disk and processor all play a part in the
> speed test results.
> However, I am looking for some benchmarks that would give ballpark
> figures for the results.
> Are people willing to post their speed test results, along with OS,  
> speed and Memory characteristics?"
> Such as
> SQLite 3.6.1 running under "Vista 32 bit, 2.4GHz, 3G ram, 5000rpmDisk"
> speed1-insert1...             326279489 uS 10.8195909732183 row/s

Right off the bat, I notice that I'm getting 101871.8 rows/s under  
Linux.  Almost 10,000 times faster.

The difference here is that the "testfixture" program that runs this  
test is compiled with -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC=1 which disables the fsync()  
system call on unix, but does not disable the equivalent  
FlushBuffers() system call on win32.  The -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC=1 compile- 
time option is the equivalent of hard-coding "PRAGMA  
synchronous=OFF".  That's great for testing, but might not be such a  
good idea for production programs that need to survive power failures.

If you want to do a meaningful speed comparison, then speed1.test  
should probably be modified to set PRAGMA synchronous=OFF.

D. Richard Hipp

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