"Rick Ratchford" <r...@amazingaccuracy.com>
schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:c9ce387e92004e7b9c16ddaa2bd36...@dolphin...

> So modifying TmpTable, which will still be needed for
> other procedures, is not preferred. It would be great if
> a recordset could be derived from it instead that contains
> the DIRECTION results. Once the procedure exits, the
> recordset would just go away.
> My original plan was to create the recordset from TmpTable,
> with the added DIRECTION column.
> Ex: 0 as Direction FROM TmpTable
> Then, either loop through the recordset doing the comparisons
> and filling in DIRECTION, ...
That "original plan" is the fastest way, you can achieve
your desired result.
So I'm basically with Simons suggestion - don't "overuse" the
SQL-engine - just find a good mix between "pure SQL" and
additional (explicit) Rs-iterations.
The returned recordsets of my wrapper are writable - and
as long as you don't perform an Rs.UpdateBatch on them,
these Fieldchanges never reach the underlying table(s), the
Recordset was originally derived from - and the changes on
such an Rs are "forgotten" as soon as that Recordset goes
out of scope (terminates).

But as you already stated in your reply to Simon - SQL-queries,
working against your InMemory-DB-Tables are definitely
useful for many (most) of the tasks in your rewrite/update-
process whilst dealing with your stock-data ... but *this* kind
of query (dealing with previous, or following records) is
relative costly, since solutions usually depend on appropriate

You don't need that much VB-Code, to perform the same
task much faster ("much faster" of course relative - the
recordsize in your tables is currently in a range, where
even the Sub-Select-based approach will perform "fast
enough" IMO - but you should be aware, that such queries
are more expensive than explicit Rs-loops - and if you
can avoid them with some lines of "non-SQL-code", you
should do so - your current "direction-field" calculation
presumably being one of the simpler requirements in that
category - but if these kind of queries need to calculate
e.g. sliding-averages over larger "window-sizes", you (or
"the user") will probably already "feel" the speed-differences
compared with dedicated looping.

'here a simple function, which delivers an appropriately filled Rs...

Function GetRsWithDirection(Cnn as cConnection) as cRecordset
Dim Rs as cRecordset, SQL as String
Dim LastTax As Double, CurTax As Double
    SQL = "Select *, 0 As Direction From TmpTable Order By ID"
    Set Rs = Cnn.OpenRecordset(SQL)

    LastTax = Rs!Tax
    Rs.MoveNext 'leave the first Record (Direction remains at 0)
    Do Until Rs.EOF
        CurTax = Rs!Tax
            Rs!Direction = IIF(CurTax > LastTax, 1, -1)
        LastTax = CurTax
    Set GetRsWithDirection = Rs 'return the Rs-Result
End Function

If you compare the code-volume you'd have "to type"
with that of a similar routine that does it with a larger SQL-
string, you will not find all that much of a difference:

e.g. "borrowed" from Wes' reply (and not yet wrapped in a
Rs-delivering function):
select *,
   case when b.tax < MarketTable .tax
   then "Up"
   when b.tax>=MarketTable .tax
   then "Down"
   else null
 from MarketTable b
 where b.rowid=MarketTable.rowid-1) from MarketTable

And as said, the explicit loop, changing some Rs-Values
temporarily, should perform much faster, since esp. the line:
LastTax = CurTax 'copying only the content of a Double-Var
is barely measurable, compared with the time for the
needed SubSelect in a "plain SQL"-solution based on:
"where b.rowid=MarketTable.rowid-1"

So, yeah - "horses for courses" (at least in these special
cases, where you have to deal with previous or following
record-values)... ;-)


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