#>"Simple" is relative - as you write yourself - your App 
#>already performs faster using SQL for the right things - and 
#>that don't have to be only "simple queries" - what you 
#>already do with all these nice Group By queries - directly 
#>delivering weekly or monthly stock-data, derived from your 
#>daily-based records-table - with all these Min, Max, Avg, 
#>etc...aggregated- values ... - this is the area, where SQL shines.

Oh, I completely agree. This saved me a ton of coding and was still quite

#>> As already mentioned, it as my 'original plan', and the 'how-to' as 
#>> well, to create a basic recordset and then loop through it. I was 
#>> trying to find out if it was the BEST WAY, or if there was 
#>a way to do 
#>> it all via SQL.
#>As already said - you never know in that group...
#>And it is always something like a sportive challenge, to make 
#>the "seemingly impossible possible" with plain SQL for the 
#>Gurus here, just for fun, to stay fit... ;-)

Well, in that case, I'm happy to help. :-b

#>> I will admit, however, that my VB code to do this was going to be 
#>> looping through the recordset by way of
#>> Rs.ValueMatrix() rather than using Rs.MoveNext (cursor moving). The 
#>> .ValueMatrix indexes I would have garnered using .IndexInFieldList.
#>That's good, since that works even faster - no need, to do 
#>unnecessary FieldName-String-Resolving into the Rs.Fieldlist 
#>on each iteration (just posted that for more clarity).

Great. I'm glad that it is faster as well. I just find it easier to
reference recordset 'cells' using x/y coordinates rather than moving that
cursor around.

Thanks Olaf.


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