On 11 Jul 2009, at 2:39am, Rick Ratchford wrote:

> When I read Simon's reply, I did not get the sense that he was  
> suggesting I
> do a Rs-Loop. It appeared to me, and I could be mistaken of course,  
> that he
> was referring to pure programming in by language (VB).

The people on this list often suggests several different solutions.   
We don't all agree on the best way to do things, and one of the best  
things about the list is that the first reply gets criticised by  
someone else, and their reply gets criticised again, and we step  
towards an accurate and useful response to the original question.

So yes, if I was doing it I'd do it in code, but someone else may have  
an equally valid way of doing it in SQL.  You have to read all the  
answers and pick one yourself.

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