Please just don't forget that sqlite lock the file at each update,
running multiple processes will not improve at all the speed, I think it
will be even worst.
The only improvement you can do is to group your update in a single
transaction, and avoid to run one process (sqlite3) for just 1 update.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Robert Citek <>wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:13 PM, John Elrick <>
> wrote:
> > Robert Citek wrote:
> >> Are there some white papers or examples of how to do updates in
> >> parallel using sqlite?
> >
> > I could be misunderstanding your requirements, but this sounds a little
> > like Map Reduce:
> >
> >
> Not sure, but quite possibly.  I'm reading up more on mapreduce.
> > The only point I'd question is your assertion that you could speed up
> > the overall time by running more than one long running process at the
> > same time.  You *might* be able to do so up to the limit of the cores in
> > the machine or by distributing the load over many machines, however, the
> > implication to me of a long running process is something that is
> > consuming large amounts of CPU time.
> What I mean is that long_running_process (LRP) takes a long time to
> run relative to updating a record in a sqlite database.  LRP's
> bottleneck could be CPU or I/O or network lag or something else.  I'm
> also assuming that if multiple LRPs are running, then they will
> negligibly compete with each other for resources.  For example, if the
> LRP is CPU-limited and the machine has only 4 cores, then there will
> be at most 4 LRPs running at any given time.
> > It is possible that running
> > multiple processes per processor could actually increase the total
> > amount of time due to process swap overhead.
> The ideal would be to have a general framework that works on a single
> CPU, multiple-CPUs/Cores, and multiple machines.
> A google search for mapreduce led to this project:
> I'll probably give that a try if for no other reason than to get more
> familiar with mapreduce.
> Thanks, John.
> Regards,
> - Robert
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