On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Martin Sigwald <msigw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a program which builds an ICMP package over IP and sends it. Before
> that, I get IP number and other information from a SQlite DB. I was having
> problems, so I began to comment different parts of the code, until I got to
> this code (pseudocode):
> sqlite3_open(DB_NAME);
> sqlite3_close(DB_NAME);
> ping_server(""); //my ping function, which pings a "hardcoded" IP,
> doesnt interact with DB

Could you post the actual code snippet?  For example, sqlite3_close()
doesn't take a string - you did say it's pseudocode, I'm just
wondering if there's a problem with the arguments along those lines.

Matthew L. Creech
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