On 04/10/2010 03:06 PM, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
> However, I noticed that if I dump the entire database into a text file
> with the SQLite shell and then compress the text file, the result is
> significantly smaller than the "stripped" compressed database:

Have you tried different page sizes?

You could also do the transmission using rsync with compression which may 
turn out to transfer even less.

It may also be worthwhile looking to other compression mechanisms.  For 
example smaz works well on English text because the compression dictionary 
is prebuilt rather than generated for the specific data.  A prebuilt 
dictionary type mechanism may work well for you.  You may also find a PPM 
compressor even better.

> Alternatively, is there an easy way to dump and recover the DB using the
> standard API rather than the SQLite shell? (Obviously I could write a
> dump program myself, but I'd be nice if there is a solution that
> requires less work).

You are using Python and APSW IIRC.  APSW includes a Python based shell that 
has dumping and restore code and can be used programmatically or interactively.

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