On 11/12/2010, at 12:58 PM, Petite Abeille wrote:

> On Dec 11, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> Then all the other PRAGMAs that do this could be removed
> While a consistent, comprehensive API would be nice, the problem with pragmas 
> is that, even though they return what looks like a result set, they are 
> neither selectable, nor queryable in plain SQL.

Yes, exactly. It is odd and frustrating to get a result from SQLite that can't 
be treated like a normal SQLite result. We need to be able to select... from.. 
where... order by... etc.

> To me, pragmas look more like part of the problem than the solution due to 
> their lack of integration with SQL.

Yes. By contrast, SQLite_Master doesn't give much, but since it's integrated 
with SQL, it's very useful. The few pragmas we have would be far more useful if 
they also integrated.

> I'm in the opinion that a comprehensive data dictionary, accessible directly 
> from SQL, is the way to go.  

Yes, yes, yes :-)

I think there's an SQL standard for introspective queries, isn't there? Is it 
something like MySQL's "INFORMATION_SCHEMA Tables", as per?:


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