On 10 Aug 2011, at 6:10pm, Brian Curley wrote:

> @Simon: I'd disagree, unless you mean to make it less specific, since it's
> really an exercise for the reader to infer mark-up...not just HTML over
> XHTML.  But that's just me...

The SQLite page states specifically XHTML:


"The last output mode is "html". In this mode, sqlite3 writes the results of 
the query as an XHTML table."

All XHTML tags /must/ be lower case:


"XHTML documents must use lower case for all HTML element and attribute names."

However, the tags the shell tool generates are upper case.  There are two 
possible fixes:

a) change the tool to generate lower-case tags.
b) change the documentation to say that the tags are HTML, not XHTML.

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