On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Fabian <fabianpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/11/9 Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com>
>> What's wrong with reading the whole file into memory at boot time as a
>> way to prime the cache?  Rebooting always takes some time, mostly the
>> time to read all sorts of files.
> It's a desktop application, I cannot pre-cache anything before the user
> launches the app. After the launch a couple of inserts need to be done, but
> having to read the whole database file into memory, just to be able to
> perform those inserts, doesn't seem a scalable solution.

I don't get it.  You're reading practically the whole file in a random
manner, which is painfully slow, so why can't you read the file in one
fell swoop (i.e., sequential reads)??

You've picked a technology that scales only vertically with the
hardware.  If you've reached the limit of that hardware (no, you've
not)  then it's time to upgrade the hardware or switch to a technology
that scales horizontally.  But you're not there yet.  And this is for
a desktop app, so horizontal scaling would seem out of the question
(or else you'd have built a client/server app in the first place).
This leaves you with pre-fetching the file.  You could defer the
pre-fetching as much as possible (e.g., wait until the Nth operation,
for N<<10,000), but that's about as much as you can do.  Or, if FTS
really works better, then use that.

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