Dear all,
I have one question that is not strictly a SQLite question (sorry), but maybe 
someone encountered this problem and found the solution. I have upgraded from 
an older SQLite release to 3.7.9 and loaded the amalgamation file into a Visual 
Studio 2005 project. But the syntax code highlighter does not behave correctly 
with the 3.7.9 amalgamation file because it greys out not only the sections of 
code that are not compiled at all (because of if(n)def's) but also other 
sections that DO compile. Well, I think that this is a bug of the VS 2005 
syntax highlighter for such a large source file, because the file compiles ok, 
but working with such a file in VS 2005 is frustrating.
Did anyone see (did anyone find a solution for) this problem? I have not seen 
this for older versions of the amalgamation file.
Best regards
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