On 4 Jan 2012, at 1:53pm, Tilsley, Jerry M. wrote:

> How can I "upgrade" the existing database files to the new version? 

Use the sqlite3 shell tool to open the database.  You can download a 
precompiled version here:


Open the database

OS prompt> sqlite3 mydatabase.s3

once in the shell tool dump the database to a file of SQL commands needed to 
reproduce it:

sqlite3> .output newdatabase.txt
sqlite3> .dump
sqlite3> .quit

The shell tool may have crashed while doing the .dump command.  If so, tell us. 
 Otherwise you should now have a big new text file with lots of SQL commands 
in, so use it to make a new database:

OS prompt> sqlite3 newdatabase.s3

sqlite3> read newdatabase.txt
sqlite3> .quit

You should now have a new database file containing the same data as the old 
one, but it should definitely not be corrupt.

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