On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Tilsley, Jerry M.

> Anyway to make the new version the default for the sqlite command when
> executed from various directories?

Statically link SQLite with your application.  Then you always know which
version it is using.

I beg people to do this.  But few listen.  The idea that you have to use
shared libraries is deeply inculcated in most programmers, it seems.  Yet
excessive use of shared libraries causes problems.

True store:  At least once a week, I get a phone call (often at odd hours)
from a PC user who has a pop-up error message on their PC that says:  "The
procedure entry point *sqlite3_wal_checkpoint* could not be located in the
dynamic link library SQLite3.dll"  The caller wants me to help them fix
their PC.  (My home phone number is easy enough to find using Google.)  The
problem is that they have some newer program that uses an SQLite DLL in WAL
mode.  But they later installed some other package that overwrite the newer
SQLite DLL with an older SQLite DLL that does not support WAL mode, and
hence omits the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() interface.  And, of course, I have
no way of determining which programs are using SQLite, so I have no way of
assisting the hapless caller.

Frustrated users.  Annoyed developers.  Nobody wins here.

And the really vexing part is that the issue could have been easily avoided
if each of the applications had simply statically linked their own copy of

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Device
> Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 4 Jan 2012, at 9:43pm, Tilsley, Jerry M. wrote:
> > Ok, I'm ending up with two versions of SQLite installed on my system
> because one was install with RPM and the latest is a tarball.  How do I get
> the tarball to overwrite the pre-existing version?
> I recommend that you not worry about this.  Various programs which come
> with RPM will depend on the version that was installed with RPM.  Leave
> them alone: changing the version of SQLite they use might mess them up
> somehow.  Use the newer version in your own application but leave RPM alone.
> This is the same advice given to Macintosh users who ask about replacing
> the version of SQLite used by the OS.
> Simon.
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