On 19 Mar 2012, at 12:03pm, TAUZIN Mathieu <mtau...@cegid.fr> wrote:

> Or without subjoin...
> SELECT      Orders.OrderID
> FROM Customers
>      INNER JOIN Orders
>            ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
>      LEFT OUTER JOIN InternationalOrders
>            ON Orders.OrderID = InternationalOrders.OrderID
> WHERE 'ALFKI' = Customers.CustomerID

This form should work fine in SQLite and is the expected way to do JOINs to 
many files.  It is just as efficient as subjoins in SQLite: the engine ends up 
doing no more work.  And it has the advantage that it works in many different 
versions of SQL since it's part of the SQL definition.  Unless you have a 
particular reason for wanting to avoid this form, I'd say go ahead and use it.

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