On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 10:02 AM, TAUZIN Mathieu <mtau...@cegid.fr> wrote:
> Thanks,
> This syntax works but it is not documented... it looks like a short hand for 
> a subquery, interesting !.

Join sources are like sub-queries.  Look at the syntax.

A sub-select specified in the join-source following the FROM clause in
a simple SELECT statement is handled as if it was a table containing
the data returned by executing the sub-select statement.  The docs
could perhaps be clearer about this.  This sentence:

"A sub-select specified in the join-source following the FROM clause
in a simple SELECT statement is handled as if it was a table
containing the data returned by executing the sub-select statement. "

does hint at this, but maybe that's just because I think of
<single-source> as a sort of sub-select.

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