It isn't VS2010 specific. Even going back to VS6 writing your own C++
wrapper and including the.c file you had to tell it to not use
precompiled headers for that file. (Both Debug and Release builds)

You should tell VS that this file will not ever be using precompiled headers.

On VS2012 Professional Edition one can:
Right click on the file within VS10, select Properties.
Open the C/C++ tree.
Select Precompiled Headers.
Set Precompiled Header to Not Using Precompiled Headers.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:17 AM, John Drescher <> wrote:
>>> I know this question is not a SQLite question, but I am hoping that
>>> someone here has had a similar experience and/or can point me to the right
>>> place to ask this question.
>>> After years or using Code::Blocks and Dev-Cpp, I have recently installed
>>> Visual Studio 10 Express; it is the first time I am using it, in my Windows
>>> 7 machine.
>>> I have written, with the help of this mailing list a wrapper class for the
>>> latest SQLite3 library using C::B as my development platform, now that I
>>> want to switch to VS10, there were a lot of gcc specific code that I had to
>>> repair and after clearing all the C++ discrepancies between MinGW's g++ and
>>> MS's VC++ I have been left with this error message:
>>> fatal error C1853: 'Debug\sql.pch' precompiled header file is from a
>>> previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and you
>>> are using it from C (or vice versa
>>> Does anyone know how to resolve this issue or perhaps a VS10 specific
> You can like the other poster said disable PCH in visual studio or
> just delete all the PCH files and have VS rebuild them. The second is
> what I do in Visual Studio retail versions when I get this error.
> John
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