On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Philip Goetz <philgo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "unable to open database file" errors are usually caused by incorrect
> file protection settings or directory protection settings, but I don't
> think this one is.
> This is a 5.0G database with one table that I created in Windows 7
> 64-bit with sqlite3 from Perl. I can connect to the DB, read
> from the db, write to the db, and retrieve back what I wrote to it,
> but I can't create an index on it.  I was able to create an index on
> it by copying it to a Linux system and creating the index there. I
> have write permission on the directory. (You can never be sure, with
> the madness of the Windows 7 file security and read-only settings, but
> I am able to create and index other databases in the same directory in
> the same way when they are not so large.)
> $ ls -l gi2taxonNt
> -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 phil None 5.0G Jun  4 11:01 gi2taxonNt
> $ sqlite3.exe gi2taxonNt
> SQLite version 2013-04-12 11:52:43
> ...
> sqlite> .schema
> sqlite> insert into taxon (gi, taxon) VALUES (1, 1);
> sqlite> select * from taxon where gi=1;
> [very long wait...]
> 1|1

Try adding the command:

     .log stdout

before running the CREATE INDEX and see what errors you get back.

> sqlite> create index taxon_gi_index on taxon(gi);
> Error: unable to open database file
> Same error if I make the CREATE INDEX call thru the Perl DBI.
> Any idea what causes this error?
> Is it caused by using a 32-bit sqlite3?  How does a 32-bit app access
> a 5G file?  Is there a 64-bit Windows or Linux SQLite available?
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