On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 23:30:10 -0500
"Jay A. Kreibich" <j...@kreibi.ch> wrote:

>   While rearranging the column order may not functionally change the
>   answer, a database is not given that flexibility in SQL.  For
>   example, "SELECT *" *must* return the columns in the order they are
>   defined in the table definition.  It isn't that most databases just
>   happen to do this-- the column order is actually predicated by the
>   standard.

Thank you for the clarification; I didn't know the standard addressed
that. I find the standard hard to read, even by the standard of
standards.  And, after all, it's pretty safe to ignore: that what most
products do when it suits them!  

> > "sort by *" would imply that the order of the columns returned by
> > '*' is meaningful, which it is not.  "sort by the arbitrary order
> > produced by 'select *'" isn't even deterministic.  
>   In SQL column order *is* deterministic, so the sort order would also
>   be deterministic.  Likely meaningless, but still deterministic.

Yes, I was musing about that today.  "sort by *" could certainly be
deterministic, depending on how it's defined.  

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