Being a UNIX (Linux) partisan, and somewhat tacky towards Windows users,
why not go the normal Windows route of having a "pop up" dialog box (or at
least a message) similar to what normal Windows applications say about
possible loss of data. Something along the lines of "You are exiting
sqlite3, but there is data in one or more memory resident tables which will
be lost. Proceed (Y or N)?"

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> What if, instead of opening a standard database, the sqlite3.exe
> command-line shell just issued a warning message reminding the user that
> they are working on a transient in-memory database and suggesting the use
> of the ".open" command to connect to a persistent on-disk database.  Like
> in this patch:
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list

Wasn't there something about a PASCAL programmer knowing the value of
everything and the Wirth of nothing?

Maranatha! <><
John McKown
sqlite-users mailing list

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