On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 20:33:40 +0200
R Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za> wrote:

> > Ok this does not work of any scale of numbers. But a solution with 
> > integers neither does
> I think the bit that Keith tried to highlight is that we should
> always refrain from storing errors. 

Keith recommended against storing *rounded* values.  If you store $0.30
in SQLite as REAL, you store a binary approximation.  It's a fine thing
to keep unless you care about picodollars.  

> Calculated errors are fine because we can at any time revisit the
> calculation procedures, we can refine and perhaps opt for more
> significant digits - but we can ALWAYS guarantee the accuracy-level
> of the calculated result. However, storing wrong values (or let's
> call them "approximate" values if you like) is pure evil. 

I'm not sure what you mean.  

There's no problem storing a C double from memory and later fetching
it.  The same 64 bits pass through the interface unchanged.  (Well,
maybe not the *same* bits, but who can tell?!)  Once replaced back in C
memory, the computation can resume where it left off unaffected.  

What you usually don't want to do is compute based on rounded numbers.
If you store a rounded number to the database, you may lose
information.  Even if you don't -- even when the rounded number is the
right one -- such errors as accumulate at the edge of accuracy normally
wind up not mattering.  That's why C does all computation in
double precision, even when the operands are single-precision.  

The opposite mistake -- losing information --
can easily lead to results that are spectacularly wrong.  


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