Slight changes made to the hash functions.  

The md2 / md4 / md5 / sha / sha1 / sha256 / sha384 / sha512 now return 
uppercase hex strings.  This is because of the addition of functions that 
return the raw binary blob of the hash value, which will cut the bytes consumed 
to store that hashes in half compared to text strings.

Binary BLOB versions of the functions simply prepend "bin" to the function 
name, binmd2 / binmd4 / binmd5 / binsha / binsha1 / binsha256 / binsha384 / 
binsha512 and return a binary blob of the computed hash.  The hexified string 
was changed to uppercase so that if you apply the builtin HEX() function to a 
binary hash you get the same cased string as asking for the hexified hash in 
the first place, that is:

select md5('Test String') == hex(binmd5('Text String'));

returns 1; 

These functions can be most useful to maintain an in-table hash of the row 
contents, useful for comparing data in the table without comparing all the 
columns by using triggers.

create table data ( x text, y text, hash blob);

create trigger data_hash_insert after insert on data 
   update data set hash = binmd5(x,y) where rowid = new.rowid;
create trigger data_hash_update after update of x, y on data 
   update data set hash = binmd5(x,y) where rowid = new.rowid;

insert into data values ('Keith', 'Medcalf', null);
insert into data values ('Carl', 'Medcalf', null);

select x,y,hex(hash) from data;


update data set x='Carl' where x = 'Keith';

select x,y,hex(hash) from data;


All the functions take an unlimited* number of parameters.  Each parameter is 
retrieved using the sqlite3_value_blob function and passed in turn (except when 
null -- determined because the number of bytes returned is 0 -- so an empty 
string '' is the same as a null) into the hashing function.  Once all the 
values in turn are run though the hashing function, the final hash value is 

So, if you have two tables and you want to "make them the same" you can simply 
compare the hash values to find the changes**:

create table data1 (pk integer primary key, x text, y text, hash blob);
create table data2 (pk integer primary key, x text, y text, hash blob);
... plus the appropriate triggers to maintain the hash on each table

delete from data2 where exists (select 1 from data1, data2 where = and data1.hash != data2.hash);
insert into data2 (pk, x, y) select pk, x, y from data1 where not exists 
(select 1 from data2 where;
delete from data2 where not exists (select 1 from data1 where;

of course, indexes on (pk, hash) on both tables would be useful for 
performance.  You can combine the two deletes together using an or condition to 
remove all the rows at once.  I kept them separate because, conceptually, they 
are two operations.

* unlimited in the sense that it uses the limits described here:

** because sqlite does not support UPDATE ... FROM ... If it did, you could use 
something like
update data2 set x=data1.x, y=data1.y from data1 where and 
data1.hash != data2.hash;

> You can download the file at

I doubt these functions ever need updating again until more hash types are 
added to the Crypto API.

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