On 7 Oct 2015, at 4:39pm, Richard Hipp <drh at sqlite.org> wrote:

> The community seems to want the second number (current 8) to increment
> every time a new feature is added to SQLite.  I will take your request
> under advisement.  Realize, however, that had the current preferred
> number scheme been used for SQLite from the beginning, the next
> release would be called 3.112.

To supplement Richard's answer ...

The three-number versioning scheme works like this.  Suppose your software is 
currently on version 2.2.2 .  The next version would be

2.2.3 -- purely a bugfix with no new features introduced
2.3.0 -- introduces a new feature (even if it fixes a bug too)
3.0.0 -- a major rewrite (whether or not it introduces new features)

This system is still in use in many software publishers.

SQLite doesn't use it in quite the same way because

(A) The parsing and optimization parts of SQLite are extremely complicated and 
can make it difficult to distinguish between a bug-fix and a minor new feature.
(B) The product itself is called SQLite3 so the '3' has to be fixed.  Major 
rewrites to SQLite to, for example, introduce WAL mode, can't change the '3'.


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