On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Darren Duncan <darren at darrenduncan.net>

> Semantic versioning in general doesn't have any specific format, it just
> means that within a project the succession of version numbers conveys
> information by itself.  There's no requirement there has to be 3 parts or
> whatever.  I consider SQLite's versioning scheme to both be very
> appropriate and it is semantic versioning, not just like such.

I agree with you completely when it comes to "semantic versioning".
Unfortunately, someone has defined "Semantic Versioning" at
http://semver.org/ and they are a lot more picky than you or I about what
it should mean.

I have the same "complaint" with "web services". I've been writing / using
them since before they were really defined, but in an ad hoc manner.
Unfortunately, since they've become popular and many standards have been
written about them, some people seem to think what you've written is not a
"Web Service" unless it adheres to some standard like SOAP or WDSL or other
annoying acronym.

>From this point of view, "web service" != "Web Service" and "semantic
versioning" != "Semantic Versioning".

Scott Robison

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