> On 10/29/15, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:
> >
> > Ah, so this is what I seem to have missed. The pages... This is unfortunate
> > as the read-heavy application won't likely benefit from SQLite.
> Your filesystem and your disk hardware work the same way.  Your
> application might only ask for 10 bytes, but the underlying OS and
> hardware are pulling a complete sector (or perhaps a complete track)
> from disk, pass the 10 bytes you asked for off to your app, and
> holding the rest in cache.
> So, no, you cannot improve performance by only reading a few bytes
> here and a few bytes there.  The disk has to work just as hard.

First, thanks everyone, I've learned a lot about SQLite3!

You make a very good point here, the OS will be caching disk reads (16-64k from 
what I understand) so the reading is on average cheaper, but overall more 
expensive on average if I do not need all the data. I was hoping that those 
very large tables (width in terms of column number and size, not row count) 
could benefit from a database being able to discard fields. If I could ask one 
more question....

If I were to try to work around all this excess reading, how good or bad would 
it be to take the following approach:
Define a set of smaller tables (column count and size) with a common key, then 
create a view for the specific query, then query the view.

create table k (id integer primary key, ... other always used columns...);
create table c1 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
create table c2 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
create table c3 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
create table c128 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column

create view myquery as 
select k1.id id, c1.data c1, c2.data c2, c3.data c3 from k
left join c1 on c1.k=k.id 
left join c2 on c2.k=k.id 
left join c3 on c3.k=k.id;

select * from myquery;

Shouldn't that skip the data I don't need, make good use of disk caches. What I 
don't know though, is how efficient SQLite3 will be at putting that view 
together. Did I make a mess giving sqlite3 busy work or did I speed it up? 

"Nobody ever made them like this! I mean the architect had to be a certified 
genius or an authentic wacko!" - Dr Ray Stantz, Ghostbusters

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