On 29 Oct 2015, at 7:49pm, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:

> If I were to try to work around all this excess reading, how good or bad 
> would it be to take the following approach:
> Define a set of smaller tables (column count and size) with a common key, 
> then create a view for the specific query, then query the view.
> create table k (id integer primary key, ... other always used columns...);
> create table c1 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
> create table c2 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
> create table c3 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column
> ...
> create table c128 (k integer, data text); -- seldomly used large column

Handling large numbers of tables is slow.  Handling large numbers of rows is 
fast.  For cases where you have "seldomly used large column" use sparse storage:


Generally speaking SQLite is ridiculously good at this stuff and trying to work 
around it only makes things worse.  It's in its third version and even version 
3 has been worked on, including major re-writes, for ten years.  It doesn't do 
slow complicated things (row-level locking, character-sets).  By all means tell 
us when you get slow results, but if you're trying to predict slow results just 
from reading the documentation you'll probably not getting useful data.


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