On 9/8/16, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That said, since I know that the backup API will make the schema version
> change, is it safe to read the schema_version at the beginning of the
> application, retain it for the life time of the application, then after the
> backup is written, rewrite the schema version to the backup?

That might work.  But really, when you manually change "PRAGMA
schema_version" you always run the risk that some reader will miss the
fact that the schema has changed, fail to recompile a prepared
statement, then run the obsolete prepared statement in a way that
corrupts the database file.  It is difficult to construct a scenario
where that happens, but it is possible.  Hence, while this is likely
to work during testing, you could get occasional, unreproducible
failures after deployment.

If you want to manually keep track of your schema version, I suggest
creating a separate table in the database schema specifically for this

In the Fossil application (http://fossil-scm.org/), the database
always contains a CONFIG table like this:

  CREATE TABLE config(
    value CLOB,
    mtime INTEGER

This CONFIG table stores various configuration parameters, among which
is a schema version number.  Every time Fossil opens a new database
file, it checks the schema version number to know how to deal with
that particular database file and whether or not the schema needs to
be upgraded.

You can see this "Schema Version" on the antepenultimate status line
at http://www.sqlite.org/src/stat for example.  Fossil uses a date for
the schema version, since the schema changes infrequently.  You could
use sequential numbers, if you prefer.  The key point is that the
"schema version" used by the application should be separate and
distinct from the "schema version" used by SQLite internally.

Note also that the application-level "schema version" only needs to
change when there is an application-relevant change to the schema.
So, for example, if the WITHOUT ROWID clause were omitted from the
CONFIG table above, that would not require an application-level schema
change, since the two table definitions are equivalent from the point
of view of all queries.  Likewise, the addition, modification, or
deletion of indexes does not change the application-level schema
version, since queries get the same result regardless of the available
indexes.  (Indexes do not change the result of queries, they only help
to obtain that result faster.)  Only schema changes that make a
difference to application queries should change the application-level
schema version.  In contrast, the SQLite internal schema version needs
to change whenever the database is VACUUM-ed or backed up, for
technical reasons, as discussed in previous emails.

D. Richard Hipp
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