Not what I expected, but this can of work for my dual purpose.  I'll have
to tune it just a little bit, but this will work both as a check for
differences between prior and current, and give me a "one-liner
transactionable" SQL command to give a FILE>NEW command.


On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 11:33 AM, R Smith <> wrote:

> On 2016/09/08 4:59 PM, Stephen Chrzanowski wrote:
>> Is there a way that I can get your sub-query (Reordered to have tables,
>> then indexes, then views) to come out as one row?  I can then have the
>> application just do an easy string comparison, AND have a method to
>> include
>> the resource string to create a new DB (FILE>NEW) in one go.
> Bundle into one string while removing all white-space and case-only
> differences - this is almost like a hash in SQL terms:
> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(upper(replace(replace(replace(replace(S.sql,'
> ',''),CHAR(09),''),CHAR(10),''),CHAR(13),'')),' ')
>   FROM (
>     SELECT sql
>       FROM sqlite_master
>      WHERE sql IS NOT NULL
>      ORDER BY sql
>   ) AS S
> ;
> A schema would need to have a real change to look different to this query.
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