Esel2k wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Basically I have 3 different locations where I want to have
> Squeezeboxes. Home location has the LMS and a couple of Squeezeboxes.
> Now in the lakehouse I want to have some squeezeboxes to connect to my
> home location. My squeezebox server is sleeping when not in use.
> Connection possibilities:
> 1. Forward a port on home location. Connect via dyndns. 
> 2. Put a RPi on the lakehouse that creates a VPN tunnel to home location
> to work as a gateway.
> 3. Eventually look for a DD-WRT functionality to send a magic packet
> upon a certain trigger.
> 4. Second LMS at each location with a rsync function to sync my music or
> to simply mount my music folder
> 5. ???
> Will any of those possibilities work to wake my server? Or do I need to
> change my server to a low power device to work 24/7?
> I am looking for an acceptable WAF factor. If anyone has a better idea,
> I am happy to hear about your setup.
> Thanks

WOL not a routable protocol so any network will need to have a system
capable of sending a WOL to the local network.

1. Possible but not ideal (still need the WOL)
2. Better (still need the WOL)
3. Possible but would still need 1 or 2
4. This is what I did with a Cubietruck Low power and works well as a
LMS Server (onboard sound isnt great but a USB soundcard works well as I
5. Rpi with Pcp and external HDD with soundcard for an all in one, use
rsync to sync, may also do OpenVPN as well.

4 and 5 do away with the WOL as they can run continuously

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

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