
Saw thread this while looking for a solution to another problem I got
after installing 7.9. This thread sounds just like a problem I just had
at the time I tired 7.9. /.9 didn't fix it but something mentioned below

I am running 7.8 LMS on Raspberry PI  from Max2play plugin. While
playing music and it suddenly stopped. On checking the library nothing
was there anymore. Cleared library and re-scanned but  found nothing. 
Reboot router, reboot QNAP NAS, both several times and still nothing. 
Rebooted RaspberryPi still no change. Re-Install 7.8 >>7.9 from
max2play. Still no music. Problem got worse and couldn't access LMS
settings at all in the end but could access the RaspberryPi and Max2play
where LMS was located. 

In LMS the music folder is the mount point I set Max2play to point to
the music on the NAS. The Max2play mount point was using the IP address
of the NAS in the path to the music folder. I changed this to use the
NAS server name instead. Rebooted all aggain this time including a
network switch and tried again. Now it works and all files are back
after a re-scan!!! 

Maybe something I mentioned helps the OP find the fix.

Now I just have to work why my alarms sounds have disappeared with 7.9
or go back to 7.8 :-)

LMS running on QNAP NAS TS219P+, multiple Logitech Touch's and Radios,
SqueezePlay on various PC's, DBPowerAmp, MP3Tag, FLAC
m4rk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=51952
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106477

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