[17-01-17 20:30:42.5533]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_error (561) Unable to login to SN:
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable [17-01-17 20:30:42.5540]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error (184) Unable to login
to mysqueezebox.com, sync is disabled: 503 Service Temporarily
Unavailable (http://www.mysqueezebox.com) [17-01-17 20:30:42.5548]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::_init_error (200) mysqueezebox.com
sync init failed: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, will retry in
300 (http://www.mysqueezebox.com) [17-01-17 20:36:18.0936]
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359)
Unable to get players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable,
retrying in 900 seconds [17-01-17 20:36:22.0938]

As you can see, for whatever reason your LMS is sending way more requests to mysb.com than it should. It doesn't back-off as expected, but keeps hammering it. Are you using any 3rd party plugins?

I think your best bet is to shut down LMS for 15 minutes, to let the hitrate count on mysb's load-balancer settle, then try again.


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