I started LMS again today, and the errors immediately began.
Here is the list of active PlugIns:
Here is today's log:

  Async::HTTP: Unable to load IO::Socket::SSL, will try connecting to SSL 
servers in non-SSL mode                                                         
  [17-01-18 19:41:15.5387] main::init (388) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.0, 1484464959, Sun Jan 15 07:33:01 UTC 2017) perl 5.018002 - 
  [17-01-18 19:41:15.5640] main::changeEffectiveUserAndGroup (1041) Warning: 
Logitech Media Server must not be run as root! Only do this if you know what 
you're doing!!                                                                  
  [19:41:17.677770] main:1172 Starting squeeze2cast version: v0.2.4.1 (Dec 23 
2016 @ 19:30:58)                                                                
  [19:41:17.729252] Initialize:812 UPnP init success -        
  [19:41:32.904263] AddCastDevice:902 [0x8e9ea0]: adding renderer (CCA_Me)      
  [19:41:32.990949] CastConnect:388 [0x8e9ea0]: SSL connection opened 
  [19:41:32.991183] sq_run_device:1208 Buffer path /tmp                         
  [19:41:33.086900] output_mr_thread_init:826 [0x888980] init output media 
  [19:41:33.087134] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery      
  [19:41:38.090617] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery      
  [19:41:43.095623] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery      
  [17-01-18 19:41:45.1084] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 900 seconds   
  [19:41:48.097705] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery      
  [17-01-18 19:41:49.1072] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 900 seconds   
  [17-01-18 19:41:51.3383] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 1800 seconds  
  [19:41:53.101254] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery      
  [17-01-18 19:41:53.2165] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 2700 seconds  
  [17-01-18 19:41:55.2188] 
Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::Players::_players_error (359) Unable to get 
players from SN: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, retrying in 3600 seconds  
  [19:41:58.104960] discover_server:834 [0x888980] error sending discovery    

|Filename: Capture.jpg                                              |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21922|

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.2.2
LMS 7.9.0 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.2.2
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.2.2
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106815

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