quadronado wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble searching for songs in my collection. When I'm
> searching e. g. for the song "It's too late" I get 501 results, but none
> of them have "It's too late" in the title, although I know I have
> several titles of that name in my collection.
> Another example: I try to search for that genesis song but don't remeber
> the excact name. "Land of ..." conclusion or something like that. So I
> search only for the first two words: "Land of". Again, I get about 500
> songs as a result, but none of the songs is the genesis song. But when I
> google the title and find out that it's "Land of Confusion", I can find
> the song by just typing the word "confusion" into LMS.
> That seems very confusing to me. Maybe someone can explain how to get
> proper results from the song search.

quadronado, if you use the Search under My Music in the Web GUI rather
than clicking on Search and then searching on Artist or Album or Song or
Playlistyou will get better results.

I have taken a couple of screengrabs to show results.

Similarly your genesis search works well if you search for - gen lan of,
or really well if you search for genesis lan of.

|Filename: LMS search song results .jpg                             |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22922|

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
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