netmax wrote: 
> I know ... but that happened all in what looks like an "initial phase".
> LMS opens a connection to all 3 stream servers in the .pls file, it
> seems to negotiate what stream is the best (??) and finally settles with
> one of them. Once there is only one connection left, the RST's do not
> happen.

A pls file sis a"playlist" with a sequence of URLs - sometimes it si
expecte the URls to play in sequence (e.g. first URL is an ad and then
second URL is live stream), sometimes it is a list with a series of URLs
which will fail in turn if the user does not match for some reason (e.g.
higher speed for UK listener, lower speed for non UK listeners) 

So the RST issue is a red herring.

AFAIK the Airplay brideg woill not show thre4 "bufferign" message so it
may be happenin but hiddenb (Philipper can elaborate).

To be definitive about rebuffering which is due to player output buffer
is empty (i.e. underrun when LMS failed to supply data in time) LMS
logging wil help.  For players which a UI (possibly not Squeezplay type)
then setting player.ui logging to INFO will show when rebuffering
message is displayed.  For all types of players enabling
network.protocol.slimproto to INFO will generate an awful lot of message
but the underrun detection will be a log message showing a  "STAT-u"
from the player.

Please describe your network setup in detail as I think this is the
first time you have said Squeezeplay was over VPN but Airplay was local
to LMS.  Does that means Airplay device does not involve VPN even to the
station (e.g. wired locally to LMS) ?

Your network is not clear to me but currently you have a one or two VPN
connections, a subscriber based source playing througha LMS plugin  to a
Airplay bridge.  This is complicated and problems can be anywhere (I
suspect more than one).  I would simplify first, prove a certain config
works without issue and then try adding one of the "complications" at a
time to identify and eliminate problems one at a time.


1. Test with homebased Squeezeplay and a Somafm stream (i..e no VPN, no
subscribed station, no Airplay)
2. Test with Airplay and a  Somafm stream (i.e. no VPN but with Airplay)

3. Test with Squeezeplay and VPN and subcribed stream (I.e. no Airplay)

IN each test

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