netmax wrote: 
> It seems the "best" server might not be the best server. The Netherlands
> is quite close to Germany where I'm located, the ping is ways better but
> this stream seem to face issues by lagging for sometimes more than 10
> seconds. I see at least >2 packets every second in the wireshark traces
> (more than 1.5 kilobyte ... I'd have expected less for a 128 kBit/s AAC
> stream), but if the playback is fine that can be seen constantly. The
> huge gaps, if occurring, causes the hickups in playback.
> The US server, even with a 7 times worse ping ran pretty stable without
> any issues during the afternoon.
> I'll play around a bit with the different servers and let you know the
> outcome. Maybe the NL server is the issue ...

IMHO With audio network dealys and congestion are rarely the main issue
as they are serving many many users.  If they are a bit slow then they
are exposing an issue in your setup.

I don't use VPNs so I can't go into great details but from other users,
I know VPNs can cause "odd" problems - is it a real VPN or just one that
messes with DNS ?

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