Hi @bpa,

> Please describe your network setup in detail as I think this is the
> first time you have said Squeezeplay was over VPN but Airplay was local
> to LMS. Does that means Airplay device does not involve VPN even to the
> station (e.g. wired locally to LMS) ?

The VPN is only in place to connect my computer in the office to my home
server to listen music here. It's a SqueezePlayer running on Windows.
All Airplay devices are at home, without any VPN and all with a direct
wired connection to my home network (including my servers).

I've checked the three servers in the .pls file. Two are located in the
US (~100ms ping time), one is in Amsterdam/Netherlands with 14ms ping
time. I've now changed the link in LMS from the .pls link to the direct
stream links, so I can exclusively choose the server and LMS does not
all this negotiating when starting the playback to get the best server.

It seems the "best" server might not be the best server. The Netherlands
is quite close to Germany where I'm located, the ping is ways better but
this stream seem to face issues by lagging for sometimes more than 10
seconds. I see at least >2 packets every second in the wireshark traces
(more than 1.5 kilobyte ... I'd have expected less for a 128 kBit/s AAC
stream), but if the playback is fine that can be seen constantly. The
huge gaps, if occurring, causes the hickups in playback.

The US server, even with a 7 times worse ping ran pretty stable without
any issues during the afternoon.

I'll play around a bit with the different servers and let you know the
outcome. Maybe the NL server is the issue ...

netmax's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67551
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108282

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