Wow... a lot has been written. Some confusing, some helpful, some plain
wrong. So here's my suggestion(s).

- If you want a system which just works without fuzzing around: get a
  Synology NAS. It comes with a fairly recent LMS package.
- If you want a NAS, but are willing to tinker a tad bit in order to
  get brand independence: get whatever NAS covers your other needs, cost
  etc., and add a Raspberry Pi3 to run LMS.
- If you want ultimate flexibility, then go the PC/Linux route.

I've been in all three categories over the years.

I have been running my own PC based Linux servers at home for 15+ years.
Total control, powerful, and all that. But it requires Linux skills.

I have run Netgear ReadyNAS for about 10 years at the office, as we
partnered with them a while back. Alas they have totally re-vamped their
firmwares and are no longer compatible out of the box. Thus I've added a
Pi3 running piCorePlayer earlier this year (and am very happy with that

And I finally bought some 2011 Synology NAS to investigate Spotty
compatibility issues a few months ago. And I was blown away by its
features and ease of use. And the fact that it still is getting regular
firmware updates.

There's no single true answer. It all depends on what you want.

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo
mherger's Profile:
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