iPhone wrote: 
> .
> .
> That last sentence says it all, depends on what you want plus what you
> ultimately want to get out of your Server/NAS.
> Michael is the guru when it comes to this and like him, I have been
> running Linux since Vortexbox version 0.9. I agree Linux is the total
> package and most powerful, plus I agree if you build a server and just
> put a Linux Distro on it, one needs to "Know" Linux. But here is where I
> see an option my mentor might be overlooking: *Vortexbox* 
> Vortexbox uses Fedora Linux as its base, but it is designed to run both
> LMS and PLEX with minimum or even no user knowledge of Linux. Basically
> the best of both world, the power of Linux but with the set it up and
> forget it of an NAS. Can it do more things if one knows or learns Linux,
> yes. But knowing Linux is not required. All that is needed is the
> ability to flash an image on a USB Thumb drive (simple instructions
> provided) and use the flash drive on a target PC/Server, and the USB
> does the rest. Vortexbox has a GUI for EVERYTHING else, no Linux needed.
> My parents and even my blonde sister are running LMS servers with
> Vortexbox. It is worth a look if an NAS has been a pain or you want more
> power for less money and can flash a USB Thumb Drive.
> www.vortexbox.org
> And yes I am a big fan of Vortexbox. For a few years I used it as is
> using only the GUI. I now have learned some Linux following the
> Vortexbox Community with line by line step by step instructions to add
> things I thought I would never use, but now can't think how I would do
> without them. PLEX  LMS  BLISS  Auto-ripping CDs & Blu-rays  Tonido 
> Auto-Backup

I like Vortexbox too. I ran LMS on it for years - I hacked it so that
CDs etc were ripped straight to my NAS and LMS read the NAS for the
files  - but I don't run LMS on it anymore - mine is a VB2.3 which won't
run Spotty. I still use it for ripping straight to my NAS and
occiasionally for Plex (files also on NAS).
I thought about building a new one with VB2.4 but decided against it as
the lead developer seems reluctant to issue regular updates of LMS. You
can update manually from the nightly repo but then you break its ability
to update itself. The Fedora its built with is also ancient by todays
standards and the regular failures of the Forum server don't inspire
That said I agree that if you want a self contained single box solution
and don't want to be leading edge with the version of LMS you run then
it is a very good use of an old PC and should be a definite option for a
Linux newbie.

*Living Room* - Joggler & SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 -> Celestion F20s
*Office* - Pi3+Sreen -> Sony TAFE320 -> Celestion F10s / Pi2+DAC & SB3
-> Onkyo CRN755 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom 
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - Pi2+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - SB Touch ->Sherwood AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s
Everything controlled by iPeng
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