FWIW - I've been running LMS flawlessly (currently 7.9) for over two
years on Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2. As mentioned in this thread,
you use the regular Windows installer. I don't see any reason why LMS
would not work just as well on 2016.

One tip: I had originally put my playlists in a subdirectory of my music
share (for example, \\YOURSERVERNAME\Music, subfolder Playlists) and
found that the LMS scanner read them twice (probably the music scan
found them, and the playlist scan found them a second time). So I
created a separate share for just the playlists in a separate directory
outside the Music folder (for example, \\YOURSERVERNAME\Playlists) and
moved the playlists there.

Another tip: you may already know this, but using the UNC share names
(\\YOURSERVERNAME\Music & \\YOURSERVERNAME\Playlists) in your LMS config
and for the song locations in your playlists will insulate your LMS from
changes in case you need to move your music library and playlist folders
to a different disk on your server. I had to do this a few times as I
grew the disks on my server box, and each time, the move to another disk
was transparent to LMS.

Have fun,

Jon T.

Jon T's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=47777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108578

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