digimaster wrote: 
> The symlink I wrote is good. But then it works. Oke and if that works,
> from the LogitehMediaServer directory try SlimServer/SlimServer.pl
> --help. What does it shows then? 
> Send from my mobile Phone

  [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer] # ./slimserver.pl 
  Usage: ./slimserver.pl [--diag] [--daemon] [--stdio]
  [--logdir <logpath>]
  [--logfile <logfilepath|syslog>]
  [--user <username>]
  [--group <groupname>]
  [--httpport <portnumber> [--httpaddr <listenip>]]
  [--cliport <portnumber> [--cliaddr <listenip>]]
  [--priority <priority>]
  [--prefsdir <prefspath> [--pidfile <pidfilepath>]]
  [--perfmon] [--perfwarn=<threshold> | --perfwarn <warn options>]
  [--checkstrings] [--charset <charset>]
  [--noweb] [--notranscoding] [--nosb1slimp3sync] [--nostatistics] [--norestart]
  [--noimage] [--novideo] [--nobrowsecache]
  [--logging <logging-spec>] [--noinfolog | --nodebuglog]
  --help           => Show this usage information.
  --cachedir       => Directory for Logitech Media Server to save cached music 
and web data
  --diag           => Use diagnostics, shows more verbose errors.
  Also slows down library processing considerably
  --logdir         => Specify folder location for log file
  --logfile        => Specify a file for error logging.  Specify 'syslog' to 
log to syslog.
  --daemon         => Run the server in the background.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --stdio          => Use standard in and out as a command line interface
  to the server
  --user           => Specify the user that server should run as.
  Only usable if server is started as root.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --group          => Specify the group that server should run as.
  Only usable if server is started as root.
  This may only work on Unix-like systems.
  --httpport       => Activate the web interface on the specified port.
  Set to 0 in order disable the web server.
  --httpaddr       => Activate the web interface on the specified IP address.
  --cliport        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP interface
  on the specified port. Set to 0 in order disable the
  command line interface server.
  --cliaddr        => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP
  interface on the specified IP address.
  --prefsdir       => Specify the location of the preferences directory
  --pidfile        => Specify where a process ID file should be stored
  --quiet          => Minimize the amount of text output
  --playeraddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect
  to Slim players
  --priority       => set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low)
  --streamaddr     => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect
  to streaming audio sources
  --nodebuglog     => Disable all debug-level logging (compiled out).
  --noinfolog      => Disable all debug-level & info-level logging (compiled 
  --norestart      => Disable automatic restarts of server (if performed by 
external script)
  --nosetup        => Disable setup via http.
  --noserver       => Disable web access server settings, but leave player 
settings accessible.
  Settings changes are not preserved.
  --noweb          => Disable web interface. JSON-RPC, Comet, and artwork web 
APIs are still enabled.
  --nosb1slimp3sync=> Disable support for SliMP3s, SB1s and associated 
  --nostatistics   => Disable the TracksPersistent table used to keep to 
statistics across rescans (compiled out).
  --notranscoding  => Disable transcoding support.
  --noimage        => Disable scanning for images.
  --novideo        => Disable scanning for videos.
  --nomysqueezebox => Disable mysqueezebox.com integration.
  Warning: This effectively disables all music services provided by Logitech 
  --nobrowsecache  => Disable caching of rendered browse pages.
  --perfmon        => Enable internal server performance monitoring
  --perfwarn       => Generate log messages if internal tasks take longer than 
specified threshold
  --failsafe       => Don't load plugins
  --checkstrings   => Enable reloading of changed string files for plugin 
  --charset        => Force a character set to be used, eg. utf8 on Linux 
  which don't have full utf8 locale installed
  --dbtype         => Force database type (valid values are MySQL or SQLite)
  --logging        => Enable logging for the specified comma separated 
  --localfile      => Enable LocalFile protocol handling for locally connected 
squeezelite service
  Commands may be sent to the server through standard in and will be echoed via
  standard out.  See complete documentation for details on the command syntax.
  [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer] #

NAS: QNAP TS-459U+ -QTS 4.2.6- (4x 2TB, RAID5)
Services: LMS- 7.9.1 -,  SSOTS- 4.14-
Squeezebox:  6x Reciever, 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic
Other:  iPeng on iPad and iPhone
jasell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17817
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108292

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