An edited log without detail of what is being played, what log levels
have been enabled and on what version of LMS is not that helpful.

Logs should be supplied complete as sometimes the messages that are
missing are as important as the ones that are present. If you edit a log
- it is no longer complete.  If you worry about size - Zip log file
before attaching.

What version of LMS ?  IIRC Vorexbox used to do some tweaks of its own. 
Any chance of testing a clean latest version of LMS ?

More details on fault circumstances.
When iplayer is being played - does it stop when playing live or listen
again ?
When it stops - is it mid track, near beginning, near end, at end ? 
Don't assume or guess, if you don't know say so.

Stick to one squeezelite player and find out why player stops - and then
work back to LMS to see what can be done. Only have one player playing
when testing.
Usually one of two categories: 1. player doesn't want data/can't play or
LMS doesn't want to send any more data or too slow sending data
Enable logging for Squeezelite and determine why does it stop

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