JerryS wrote: 
> Hi,
> Sorry I missed your post, hence the delay in replying.
> To make a couple of disclaimers, firstly I am no LMS or MYSQL expert and
> have no experience other than running MYSQL on localhost (the same
> computer LMS is installed on).  I should also say that I am not the most
> organised person when it comes to documenting installation procedures, I
> tend to 'google on the go' and hope for the best.
> However, I can tell you that LMS 7.9.1 - 1521438894 is running nicely
> with MariaDB-9+deb9ui on my pi3B+
> My install notes are as follows (for what they are worth)
> 1.  Install MariaDB
> 2.  I tried to add perl support (apt-get install libbd-mysql-perl but
> this was evidently installed already with MariaDB)
> 3.  Create database slimserver and add user to priviledges (slimserver,
> host any, no password '') (In phpMyAdmin mine looks like this username
> slimserver hostname localhost password no global priviledges USAGE Grant
> No)
> 4. Set himemory off in Web browser
> (Settings/Advanced/Performance/Database Memory Config = Normal)
> 5.  STOP LMS (sudo service logitechmediaserver stop)
> 6. edit server.prefs in var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs as follows:-
> dbhighmem: 0
> dbpassword: ''
> dbsource: dbi:mysql:hostname=;port=3306;database=slimserver
> dbtype: MySQL
> dbusername: slimserver
> (I presume, but don't know, that dbsource is the place to specify the
> url of the db location if not on local host, IP address maybe?)
> 7.  Start LMS
> Jerry

Thanks for the above. It almost worked. I too am not an expert.

When I restarted LMS, the tables were all created

    mysql> show tables;
  | Tables_in_slimserver |
  | albums               |
  | comments             |
  | contributor_album    |
  | contributor_track    |
  | contributors         |
  | dbix_migration       |
  | genre_track          |
  | genres               |
  | metainformation      |
  | playlist_track       |
  | pluginversion        |
  | progress             |
  | rescans              |
  | scanned_files        |
  | tracks               |
  | tracks_persistent    |
  | unreadable_tracks    |
  | years                |
  18 rows in set (0.00 sec)

LMS was apparently running, but I couldn't access the GUI in a browser.
MySQL was definitely doing something, and there were a lot of writes to
the volume containing the database, but no reads from the volume
containing the music files (i.e. no sign of bulk reads). The tables
remain empty. What seems to be happening is that the tracks table is
being deleted and recreated.

The relevant part of my server.prefs file is below:

  dbhighmem: '0'
  dbjournalsize: 50
  dbpassword: xxxxxxx
  dbsource: dbi:mysql:database=slimserver
  dbtype: MySQL
  dbusername: slimserver

I've switched back to SQLite for the moment. Any ideas what I missed?

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