I have had similar issues on extremely rare occasions over the years.  

In all cases, it has generally been because of a special character,
especially when they are in the folder name. 

But, they can also occur if the special characters are in the tags, and
in LMS there are settings about how to handle coding because of the
occasional glitches that can occur.  I've never been able to make out
when this will occur as I think it can just be a matter of how people
input metadata and how it translates.

I use dBPowerAmp as the original user, but the software is usually just
pulling data in from some online database (as will most tagging
software).  In my cases, once it occurred in tags for songs by Björk,
and where the ö was the culprit (most recent album). Never had the
problem before.  Similar issue has occurred on occasion with songs with
accents or with dashes, etc that did not fall into a standard character

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