PasTim wrote: 
> As far as I can tell, the sox equalizer is even on left and right.  Do
> you know of any way to get an equalizer that I can adjust differently
> for each side?  My ears are very different (both bad, but at different
> frequencies). When using headphones It would help me a lot to be able to
> adjust each channel.
> On linux there's a rather unstable pulseaudio equalizer that sort of
> works, but I'd like something better.

As far as I know, in SOX to apply different effects (or settings) per
channel, you have to split the file, handle each channel separately then
use remix to join them back in a stereo stream. It works very well, but
the problem is how to do it in real time.  A solution that should work
is using different threads, temporary files and/or large buffers, but
needs to be tested, expecially in windows inside socket wrapper. A
different approach is to produce the stereo filter in wav format, then
convolve it, but you need an extrenal tool to produce the wav file from
the PEQ taps (REW could do that job).

Is a very interesting matter on witch I'm working myself at moment, but
I really miss the time to produce something 'solid' to be included in
the plugin, sorry. 

A completely different apporach is the one used in Daphile, where the
output from squeezelite is piped to BruteFir, don't know nothing about
BruteFir, but sure you have tons of tools and plugins using VST or
similar that could grab the output form the player and do whatever you
want with it, my advise is to avoid PULSE whenever you can!

I'm currently experimenting on that matter, if you like and have time to
spend in trials, we could sure cooperate and work on this. Let me know.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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