I am wondering if it would be possible to make a plugin or to upload a
txt file or something so that LMS knows how to sort artists and
albumartists. For example, I have some albums where I have multiple
albumartists. I do not think I can use albumartistsort on those albums.
Consequently, some albumartists are not sorted. Therefore, I thought
that maybe we can feed LMS with a txt file where the sorting is stored
in a predefined way. A plugin could work as well. I do not have the
skills to do this, but maybe someone can?

Living: Ultrarendu -> Benchmark DAC2 HGC -> Benchmark AHB2 -> ATC SCM19
v2 & Sennheiser HD650
Kitchen: SB Touch -> Audio Pro Addon T10 gen2
Kids rooms: SB Booms
Bedroom: SB Boom & SB Radio
Controls: iPeng & LMS via internet
Server: Windows 10 Pro with LMS 7.9.2
Spare: 2 SB Touch, 1 SB3, 2 SB Radio
Blackfiction's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20587
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110332

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